It is our pleasure to invite you to our wedding. The wedding will be held in the historical Villa overlooking the lake at Thorbjørnrud hotel. The ceremony and dinner will be on Saturday the 14th of June. On Friday evening there will be a BBQ feast with mingling and garden games. We hope that many of you will join us for the whole weekend.
RSVP as soon as possible, and no later than 9th of February.

Kistefos Museum: A wonderful indoor/outdoor museum with many breathtaking installations. Really worth a visit!
Mørkgonga: A steep ravine climbing up the mountain side. It makes for a scenic half day hike.
Hadeland glassverk: A glassblowing factory with a long history. The wedding will be hosted in the villa of the old director of the factory.
Colours: Norwegians and Germans have different dress codes for weddings, with Norwegians being very formal.
Dress in whatever you are comfortable in or proud of, be that your traditional folk costume (bunad), suit or whatever else.
Having said that, the theme of the wedding will be colours. So put on a colourful outfit for bonus points from the Mr. and Mrs.
Our biggest wish is to celebrate our love and have a great time with all of you. We don’t expect any big gifts, especially from those who’ve traveled far to join us.
If you have something you really want to gift us, you are of course welcome. We are saving for our honeymoon, and any contribution is much appreciated.
BBQ FEAST (Friday)
19:00 Grill feast
The hotel's grill feast. It’s supposed to be very good.
The hotel is know for its focus on good food from locally sourced ingredients, like their own garden. The grill feast will have a discounted price (250 NOK per person).
There will also be some garden games and some cozy bond fires.
CEREMONY (Saturday)
13:00 Mingling
Mingling in the garden of the Villa. Awaiting the ceremony.
14:00 Ceremony
The ceremony starts, be here well before that.
15:00 Aperitif
Drinks will be served outside the Villa.
16:30 Dinner
A 4-course set menu, served in the Villa.
21:00 Dancing and games
22:00 Café avec
Coffee, liquor and cakes
24:00 Night snack
Moose bratwurst is served to the hungry dancers.
02:00 The Villa closes
Location and accommodations
The celebrations will take place at Thorbjørnrud Hotel in Jevnaker, Norway.
We hope many of you choose to stay at the hotel for the whole weekend. The hotel also offers charming glamping with a wonderful waterfront view, check it out here. We have reserved the remaining rooms and tents for the wedding, but the hotel has limited capacity, so please book ASAP.
To get a reduced price when booking your hotel room you need to tell the hotel you are a guest of the wedding. Don't book your room via the hotel's webpage, contact the hotel directly by phone or email here.
There is also the charming Klækken hotel
If you are traveling by plane there's a shuttle bus going directly to Jevnaker (50 min ride), info here. If you are traveling by car from Oslo it takes about 1h 20m.